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Pooler CPA Group, LLC


Delivering Southern Style Hospitality to

Defined Contribution / 401(k) Plan Audits

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Pooler CPA Group, LLC


P.O. Box 153, Memphis, IN 47143 - Phone  (833) 332-8348

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Quality Defined Contribution

Plan Auditing Services

Pooler CPA Group's passion is assisting companies throughout their retirement plan audit, leveraging technology and coordinating with their third party administrator or record-keeper to ensure a smooth audit. Pooler CPA Group's experience consists of auditing over 150 benefit plans over the past decade. These plans include profit sharing, 401(k), 403(b) and defined benefit plans. The plans were held by not-for-profit, healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation companies throughout the United States with plan assets that ranged from $5,000 to over $1 billion. 


Pooler CPA Group takes pride in assuring that your audit is enjoyable and not excessively time consuming.

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Shawn Pooler, CPA

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The Pooler Family

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